Thursday, January 8, 2015

Back to normal--after grad school application [from 1 / 15 / 13].

I finished [turned in] my application to grad. school !  Phew, finally.

Now I can get back to my regular life...blogging, on Facebook, for example.  (Feel like I've been gone a while.)

So, to catch up--a few things:

A. I'm now a subscriber to The New Yorker !  (Thank you, Brian Crane !)  It makes me feel like a real adult.  Or classy.  Now, if I had a subscription to National Geographic...I could open up a dentist's office.

B. I, for one, am glad Lance Armstrong went to see Oprah.  Really, good for him.  It's kind of sad--if it's true--but...That's what you do.  Oprah takes the place of God (or the pope) and forgives you.  That's a good thing.  (I mean that honestly / sincerely.)  Live strong !

C. It is interesting the French are making incursions into Mali.  Usually, that seems like our job -- going it alone, the Bush Doctrine way.  So, good for them.  I hope it works out.  (Again: honestly / sincerely.)

D. Got a cd, Father John's "Fear Fun"--never heard of--from bro. Hyrum Hunt.  Didn't know what to expect..but it's fantastic !  (You're probably already familiar with it.)

So...Ah...That's enough for now.

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